The NPA has been helping people around the world since long before there was an Internet. This section features some of the timeless articles and editorials that appeared in peer review journals, newspapers and from the NPA's own publications. Please note that many of these resources will open as pdfs and other document types and some may open not yet formatted for our relaunched website. Return to complete listing of classic articles. 2010The Lindane Project: A Petition to the United States GovernmentLindane is a persistent bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemical to which the US population continues to be exposed to and at risk from the past and current use via the ambient air, water, soil, food, manufacturing, Superfund sites, stockpiles, recycled plastic and the …
Human Head Lice and Their Ability to Transmit Disease: Bridging the Scientific History
Human Head Lice and Their Ability to Transmit Disease: Bridging the Scientific History May 20, Deborah Z. Altschuler In the early 1900s, the French physician, bacteriologist, and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Charles Nicolle (1866-1936, Figure 1) engaged in scientific research on louse-borne epidemic typhus, which was prevalent in Europe and North Africa. Dr. Nicolle documented the ability of both the human body louse and the human head louse, Pediculus humanus, to transmit typhus. Scientific researchers Anderson, Goldberger, Murray, and Snyder, among others ( identified the head louse as a vector of the disease. Yet recent journal articles appear inconclusive on the capability …
Human Head Lice and Their Ability to Transmit Disease: Bridging the Scientific HistoryRead More
Child Care Provider’s Guide To Controlling Head Lice
Pre-school children and their parents face many new challenges as they begin their first experience in a group setting. One of these challenges is the risk of children contracting head lice and the use of ineffective and potentially harmful chemical treatments. Head lice are a common occurrence among young children who are most vulnerable to the dangers associated with the misuse and abuse of head lice treatments – the majority of which are pesticides. For this reason, child care providers should establish a proactive head lice management protocol before outbreaks occur. Effective head lice control is based on a high standard of education, prevention and accountability for both parents and staff. Conflict arises when there is no standard in place. By providing accurate …
Child Care Provider’s Guide To Controlling Head LiceRead More
September is National Head Lice Prevention Month
September is National Head Lice Prevention Month - Time for Parents to CombFirst! 'Everyone Wins When Everyone Combs' NEWTON, MASS. (PRWEB) - AUGUST 27, 2019 Just in time for the National Pediculosis Association’s (NPA) National Head Lice Prevention Month kick-off on September 1 and its message to parents—CombFirst! The organization has launched mobile-friendly redesigns of and in conjunction with its annual educational campaign to help families prevent, manage and treat children with head lice, safely and effectively. The campaign emphasizes the importance of routine screening, early detection and the most important public health measure of sending children to school without lice and nits (eggs). “The NPA’s message is especially timely, as the …
Terms of Use
TERMS OF USEWelcome to HeadLice.Org. HeadLice.Org provides services to you under the following terms of use, which we may update from time to time without notice to you. By using this site you agree to these terms of use. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using HeadLice.Org. Your continued use of HeadLice.Org indicates your agreement to be bound by these terms of service in effect at the time of such use. The term "HeadLice.Org" used in these terms of use means HeadLice.Org, National Pediculosis Association Inc. and its subsidiaries. PRIVACYAny information you provide to us is subject to our Privacy Policy. For more information, review our full Privacy Policy. COPYRIGHTAll content included on this site, such as e-cards, text, graphics, logos, icons, photos, products, …
NPA Urges the US Food and Drug Administration to Recognize Safer Head Lice Treatment Choices
The National Pediculosis Association® (NPA) has submitted a petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that it update its website and other educational materials so that combing with well-designed nit-removal combs like the LiceMeister® is presented as a safe and effective option for the treatment of children with head lice. Doing so would give more parents access to the critical information and guidance necessary to make informed decisions. There are many children for whom a non-chemical treatment for lice is required. Read full release. | Read the petition. | Read the FDA's acknowledgement of the petition. The NPA’s petition is consistent with the FDA’s goal to empower consumers and patients to make informed and effective health decisions, as stated by …
Index of Human Louse and Disease Articles collected prior to 2016
The Human Louse and Disease Recent Studies Support the Critical Need for Preparedness and Lice Prevention "One of the greatest achievements in the war which the medical sciences have waged against epidemic diseases is the discovery that, during times of quiescence in interepidemic periods, the potential agents of disease may smolder in human carriers, in domestic animals - especially rodents, - and in insects." Hans Zinsser - Rats, Lice and History Pediculosis capitis is the medical term for an infestation of head lice. It is itself an infectious disease. Head lice are highly communicable parasites specific to humans. They require blood meals to survive and have been associated with various infections including rickettsial diseases. Newer technologies are validating research …
Index of Human Louse and Disease Articles collected prior to 2016Read More
Schools ease up on head lice policies, bugging some parents
Reprint from New York Daily News (via Associated Press), November 2013. Schools across the country are no longer sending home 'lice notes' to parents or requiring kids with lice to stay home from school. Nurses say the notes cause unnecessary panic, while some parents complain about their kids being exposed. Some parents are scratching their heads over less restrictive head lice policies that allow children with live bugs in their hair to return to the classroom for the rest of the day. Above, over the counter products for treating lice. Some parents are scratching their heads over less restrictive head lice policies that allow children with live bugs in their hair to return to the classroom. And some school nurses are no longer sending home the dreaded "lice note" to other …
Schools ease up on head lice policies, bugging some parentsRead More
Markey to FDA: Stop Use of Toxic Chemical in Children’s Shampoo
Use of insecticide ‘lindane’ in treatment for lice could harm children, pollutes environment May 31, 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, today called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to halt the use of the insecticide lindane in pharmaceutical treatments for head lice in children. Despite research supporting its toxicity and ineffectiveness, the FDA continues to allow lindane to be used in prescription shampoos and lotions to treat cases of lice and scabies, overwhelmingly on children. Lindane has been found to cause skin irritation, seizures, and, in rare instances, even death. Infants and children are especially sensitive to the health risks posed by pesticides such as lindane because of their …
Markey to FDA: Stop Use of Toxic Chemical in Children’s ShampooRead More