The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) encourages parents to work as a community during back-to-school and send their children to their classrooms free of pediculosis, a communicable disease. NEWTON, Mass., Sept. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- September is National Head Lice Prevention Month! No matter what the school policy or other more pressing public health issues in the news – head lice infestations known medically as pediculosis, can be extremely challenging for the people who have them. The NPA encourages parents to work as a community during back-to-school and send their children into the classroom free of pediculosis, a communicable disease. Routine screening and early detection with a comb should be the parental "go to" prevention tool, striving always be …
September is Head Lice Prevention Month; The National Pediculosis Association Recommends Combing as a Winning Strategy Over Pesticides
September is Head Lice Prevention Month; The National Pediculosis Association Recommends Combing as a Winning Strategy Over Pesticides Wockhardt announced its decision to discontinue manufacturing the pesticide lindane as a lice shampoo. This important news coincides with the NPA’s annual back-to-school campaign to educate the community about head lice and the public health value of routine screening, early detection, and safe treatment. NEWTON, Mass. (PRWEB) September 01, 2022 The not-for-profit National Pediculosis Association (NPA) began in 1983 as a grassroots organization with a mission to protect children from the misuse and abuse of pesticide treatments for lice. Lindane also known as gamma hexachlorocyclohexane is chlorinated benzene and was at this time the pediatrician’s …
September is National Head Lice Prevention Month
"Even with the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, parents, schools and child care administrators need to be prepared to control head lice." NEWTON, Mass. (PRWEB) August 27, 2021. National Pediculosis Prevention Month was first designated in 1985 via H.J. Res. 223. This will be the 36th consecutive year that the nonprofit National Pediculosis Association (NPA), has sponsored its campaign to inform communities about the importance of routine screening, early detection and the safest possible approach to managing pediculosis, known medically as head lice. NPA's president Deborah Altschuler says that head lice prevention remains important during the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents, …
National Pediculosis Association Urges Centers for Disease Control to Act Promptly on Reviewing and Updating its Information on Treating Children with Head Lice
Because parents and school health professionals rely heavily on CDC’s guidance, it is imperative that CDC's information be kept as current and accurate as possible. NEWTON, Mass. (PRWEB) September 22, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has been a striking reminder of the need for preparedness regarding public health issues. As children return to school and other group settings in this challenging environment, the National Pediculosis Association (NPA) wants to minimize pediculosis (head lice) as an additional burden by ensuring that parents have access to public health information that is current, accurate and trustworthy. To this end, NPA reviewed the website guidance on head lice published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and identified a number of concerns. …
Head lice can be a pesky problem
"I’m starting to see a few cases of head lice now that kids have been in school awhile. The critters are white and about the size of a sesame seed. They are known as "obligate ectoparasites." Obligate means they require a placental mammal host to survive (i.e. humans) and ectoparasites means they live outside the human body and need a host to survive. They do this by feeding on the host’s blood and can't live off of a body for more than a day or so. Lice are spread by direct contact of a person's head or hair with an infested individual or through sharing personal items such as hats, towels, brushes, helmets, hair ties or even car seat headrests. They do not jump or fly and are not transmitted by pets... Treatment of lice requires a lot of patience. There really is no substitute for …
September is National Head Lice Prevention Month
September is National Head Lice Prevention Month - Time for Parents to CombFirst! 'Everyone Wins When Everyone Combs' NEWTON, MASS. (PRWEB) - AUGUST 27, 2019 Just in time for the National Pediculosis Association’s (NPA) National Head Lice Prevention Month kick-off on September 1 and its message to parents—CombFirst! The organization has launched mobile-friendly redesigns of and in conjunction with its annual educational campaign to help families prevent, manage and treat children with head lice, safely and effectively. The campaign emphasizes the importance of routine screening, early detection and the most important public health measure of sending children to school without lice and nits (eggs). “The NPA’s message is especially timely, as the …
What Do Lice Look Like & How To Do Away With Them Fast
The Ultimate Guide That Puts Kids First When parents discover their child has lice their typical reaction is dread. The dread comes from not really knowing what to do while feeling pressure to address the situation immediately. It’s easy to understand why. There is an overwhelming amount of information about lice on the web with all sides weighing in: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the National Pediculosis Association (NPA), the National Association of School Nurses, researchers, public health departments, school districts, universities, hospitals, allopathic health practitioners, holistic health practitioners, mommy blogs, mainstream news media, alternative news media, professional lice treatment services …
What Do Lice Look Like & How To Do Away With Them FastRead More
Head Lice: Everyone Wins When Everyone Combs!
For Immediate Release. August 14, 2019. National Pediculosis Association Urges Parents to Be Proactive Newton, MA — August is back-to-school for many communities across the nation and time to prepare the kids for returning to the classroom. The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) encourages parents to screen their children’s hair for pediculosis so these students can join their friends free of lice and their nits (lice eggs). The message for parents is to be diligent about pediculosis – a communicable parasitic disease that is well established among the childhood population. The NPA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to setting the highest possible public health standards to protect children from both head lice and the risky pesticide-based lice …
Frequently Asked Questions
Head Lice Frequently Asked Questions What product should I use to treat my child? There are no over-the-counter or prescription treatments to kill lice that are totally safe and scientifically proven to be 100% effective against head lice and nits. These treatments are potentially harmful pesticides and reliance on them promotes repeated use and contributes to ongoing infestations, outbreaks and resistant strains of head lice. Various “natural” remedies are vigorously marketed on the Internet but we have found no scientific basis for their claims of efficacy and human safety. Manual removal of the live lice and nits is the safe alternative and a necessary component of any head lice treatment regimen. The NPA recommends the LiceMeister® Comb to enable families to screen often, detect …