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Detection of bacterial pathogens in clade E head lice collected from Niger’s refugees in Algeria

“Head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis, are obligate blood-sucking parasites. Phylogenetically, they occur in five divergent mitochondrial clades (A, D, B, C and E), each having a particular geographical distribution. Recent studies have revealed that head lice, as is the case of body lice, can act as a vector for louse-borne diseases. Here, we aimed to study the genetic diversity of head lice collected from Niger’s refugees (migrant population) arriving in Algeria, northern Africa, and to look for louse-borne pathogens. Comparative head lice samples collected from indigenous population of schoolchildren (non-immigrant) were also analyzed to frame the study.”

Parasit Vectors. 2018 Jun 15.

See full article: Detection of bacterial pathogens in clade E head lice collected from Niger’s refugees in Algeria.

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